Thursday, July 5, 2012

One Liners

My kids are constantly saying the funniest things.  They are at that age where there really isn't a filter on what they say and they see the world in black and white.  Everytime they say something that makes me laugh (or cry) I tell myself I need to write it down so I don't forget. Well, I am FINALLY getting around to it.  I am just going to keep this post as an ongoing list of things that the kids say that I feel need to be remembered thru the years.  Who knows, I could use their words against them when they are teenagers....

Livy: We are going to the circus afro!!!!! (Comment made when told that we were going to the circus that day. Watch Madagascar 3 for the humor in this statement)

Kiley: Mommy, I'm just thinking of my boyfriend right now. I am thinking I am kissing him.

Livy: Mommy, I really miss aunt Jenny cuz she would go to lunch with us cuz she was your best friend. But she's dead now. It's a good thing your other friends aren't dead.

Kiley: Mommy, do you like kissing daddy?

Livy: When I grow up I'm going to be a nice mommy and let my children have treats.

Kiley: When can I go live with my foster family. (since we do foster care she thinks that all kids go and live with foster families and then go home. She also has lots of stories to tell about her foster mom and dad.) 

Livy: (After I came in the room and startled her) Mommy, sometimes you just freak me out!

Kiley: (Crying) The baby in my tummy is kicking my back

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Max's 1st Birthday

So Max turned 1......almost 2 months ago.  I am finally getting around to posting his birthday pictures.  Before you know it, the girls will be turning 5 and I don't want to be that far behind. 

The Cake
I love a good Costco cake!

Diggin' In!

The happy sugar buzz

Gifts from all the family and friends

Enjoying those gifts!

Thanks for the great birthday!

Breakfast Casserole

So I thot I would share one of our family favorites.  It is great for "breakfast for dinner" type meals. It also is a great thing to share with others (new baby, illness) or to a brunch. 

Here is what you will need:

8 eggs (sometimes I want it a bit thicker and use 10)
3 cups of shredded cheese
4Tb Milk
1lb Sausage
1 package refrig. cresent rolls

Preheat oven to 350.  In a skillet, brown the sausage, drain and set aside. 

In a bowl beat the eggs and milk. Mix in 1.5-2 cups of cheese. (The cheese here is to taste.  If you don't want this much cheese then don't add it.  I like lots of cheese) You can also add salt and pepper here to taste. Oh, and I have had versions of this that add a small can of green chiles. Gives it that southwest feel.

Next, open the package of cresent rolls and spread them out in the bottom of a 9x13 baking dish. I use baking spray on the bottom first to prevent sticking. Make sure to close all the seams.

Then pour the sausage evenly over the cresent rolls and then pour the egg mixture over the sausage (evenly). Then sprinkle the remaining cheese on the top.

Stick that bad boy in the oven for about 30 min. or until the crust is a goldnen brown. 
Take it out
Cut it up

You will notice that there are no pictures of the finished product.  This is because as soon as it is done my kids are ready to eat and I just can't wait myself. 

Thursday, June 7, 2012

In Stitches

Yes, we have reached a milestone in our family. Stitches! Kiley is the proud owner of 3 stitches on her chin.   

So we were at a friends pool and Kiley decided to jump off the diving board.  Only problem is: Kiley is very afraid of the water and jumping in.  So she did as many kids before her have done, she jumped off the board and to the side of the pool.  In doing this, she smacked her chin on the edge of the pool. She got a nice little cut that was pretty deep. She also bit both sides of her tongue. Considering how much this must have hurt, she weathered it all fairly well.  She cried, but not for too long and not too hard.  I was really proud of her.  My friend Becky volunteered to keep Livy while I took Kiley to urgent care. She did cry quite a bit when she had to get the numbing shot.  So sad to watch.  But she made sure to work the whole situation by asking what treat she was going to get when it was all over.  She also wanted to make sure she verified that she was being a good girl thru it all. 

I have to say, you don't think much about your kids getting hurt until it acually happens.  It makes me wonder how many more trips to urgent care are in our future.  We do have a boy, so I suspect that this is only the beginning.
It was all just one exhausting day....

Thursday, May 31, 2012

25 Things

So Max turned one on Friday. I figured the best way to mark this milestone for Max was to make a list about him. Kinda like the "25 things about me" list that people make and cycle thru Facebook. So here it is:

1. Max has the BEST smile! He has the biggest grin that will melt your heart.
2. In relation to his smile, we nicknamed him Trouty Mouth when he was a newborn. (Glee fans will get this).
3. Max just experienced the happy joy of PB&J sandwiches.
4. Max is not a fan of the sippy cup. We are working on this....
5. Max has never taken a pacifier.
6. Max was born addcted to drugs.
7. Max came to our family on Friday the 13 (a lucky day for us).
8. It's hard to get Max to laugh, he tends to laugh most at his sisters.
9. Max is the 8th child of his birth mom.
10. Max is so stinkin cute I can't stand it.
11. Max doesn't take 2 naps. Even tho he probably should.
12. Max sleeps with his eyes partially open.
13. Max really doesn't like veggies.
14. Max shakes his little baby booty when he sees his sisters dance.
15. Max has had chronic ear infections his whole life.
16. Max hasn't said his first word yet. (But I am 99% sure it will be DaDa)
17. Max's hair grows like crazy. I have to cut it every 2 weeks.
18. Max LOVES electronics (mainly Cell phones, iPads, and remote controls). If he sees one he gets excited and heads for it. If you leave with it, he will have a melt down.
19. Max HATES the car seat. When I brought him home from the hospital he screamed the whole way. He has been screaming there ever since.
20. Max started crawling when he was 10 months old.
21. Max's nick name is squish (see Finding Nemo to better understand this).
22. Max also has the nicknames: Maxie, Maxerton, Maximus & Maxalicious
23. Max loves to snuggle on his dad's left shoulder. The shoulder has now been dubbed "the napping shoulder"
24. Max has a total melt down when he sees his family playing rough. He thinks we are too hard on each other. Cute but also sad.
25. Max LOVES his dad, and the feeling is mutual.
And and honorary mention: 26. My best friend, Jenn, LOVED Max. She spoiled him like he was her own. She always referred to him as "our" Max. I'm sure she would love him even more now.