Thursday, June 7, 2012

In Stitches

Yes, we have reached a milestone in our family. Stitches! Kiley is the proud owner of 3 stitches on her chin.   

So we were at a friends pool and Kiley decided to jump off the diving board.  Only problem is: Kiley is very afraid of the water and jumping in.  So she did as many kids before her have done, she jumped off the board and to the side of the pool.  In doing this, she smacked her chin on the edge of the pool. She got a nice little cut that was pretty deep. She also bit both sides of her tongue. Considering how much this must have hurt, she weathered it all fairly well.  She cried, but not for too long and not too hard.  I was really proud of her.  My friend Becky volunteered to keep Livy while I took Kiley to urgent care. She did cry quite a bit when she had to get the numbing shot.  So sad to watch.  But she made sure to work the whole situation by asking what treat she was going to get when it was all over.  She also wanted to make sure she verified that she was being a good girl thru it all. 

I have to say, you don't think much about your kids getting hurt until it acually happens.  It makes me wonder how many more trips to urgent care are in our future.  We do have a boy, so I suspect that this is only the beginning.
It was all just one exhausting day....

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